How to do: Soul Sync Meditation
This project is an ongoing self-directed brief I started earlier this year. I wanted to explore new things and learn about them so I could design a short guide books & posters to share that information with everyone else in a more creative way.
A second edition 'How to do Soul Sync Meditation', explains how easily you can get that monkey mind of yours under control. When you master the art of deep breathing, you can enjoy that peaceful feeling of sitting on a top of a mountain in the Himalayas. You can feel the same way in your living room or a garden if you practice enough, so that's a bonus right there, saving on travel expenses.
So much running around and chasing our dreams daily, requires a skill of knowing how to take a deep breath and slow down as well. To keep our busy lives in the balance, we should spend some time just being, not thinking, not worrying or planning, just living in the present and taking deep breaths to feel that we are here and now. That is what matters in the first place. This exercise called, Soul Sync Meditation can help your mind to stay still and take a break.
This project is kids & grown-ups friendly. It's a great idea for bridging the generation gap by having something fun to do when you visit your grandparents, friends or anyone else.
This exercise is a fun short meditation that you can do anytime and anywhere, as long as you're not travelling and risking to miss your stop. Don't forget to have fun and enjoy the experience!
The previously finished edition is called 'How to do Face Yoga', an exercise showing how easy it can be to keep that face of yours in great shape, so no one can ever guess your age! Or also getting rid of a double chin that might be a side effect of checking your phone a bit too much, we're all guilty of that, so don't worry. To see 'How to do Face Yoga' edition click here. Thank you!
Author & Illustrator: Simona Hodonova
copyright © Simona Hodonova 2020
copyright © Simona Hodonova 2020

Author & Illustrator: Simona Hodonova
copyright © Simona Hodonova 2020
copyright © Simona Hodonova 2020